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Hidden North





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Northern Connections - Manitoba

Precious Oil Productions - Northern Ireland

'The Leaves ... are for the Healing of the Nations (ethnos)' - Rev. 22:2Canada Awakening Ministries

Prayer initiative for Canada and the nations


[ Recent History ] [ HNP N E W S ]

First Nations pastor plans Jerusalem ‘embassy’

by Rhonda Spivak, Prairies Correspondent 2008-09-30

WINNIPEG — An aboriginal Christian leader here has founded a new solidarity organization with Israel in honour of Israel’s 60th birthday.

Rev. Raymond McLean, the pastor of the First Nations Family Worship Centre, launched the organization, World Indigenous Nations for Israel, to galvanize support for the State of Israel.

"No one in the aboriginal community has ever done this before. We will go from church to church, and I believe that within two years we can have one million people registered as members," he said. The group’s motto is, "Wherever we stand, we stand for Israel."

[ Read full article ]

Original Peoples, Common Interests
- more on Raymond McLean's 2005 visit to Israel

Native Protestors Reject Harper's Apology

Native Protestors Reject Harper's Apology with their Feet

Vancouver, Canada - Occupied Squamish Territory - 2008-06-24

Twenty native people and their allies occupied an Indian Affairs office yesterday in downtown Vancouver to publicly reject the Canadian government's recent ‘apology’ to residential school victims - and to continue to hold Canada and its churches accountable for their crimes against innocent children.

"I want Steven Harper to come down to Hastings street and see for himself if his apology has changed anything among us survivors", declared Rob Morgan of the Nishga Nation, who helped lead the occupation of the office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada (IRSRC).

"We occupied this office a year ago, and we're back now to say that this apology is bullshit!" Morgan's words were echoed by other residential school survivors who flooded into the IRSRC office as reporters of the CBC and Canadian Press recorded the occupation.

[ Read full report ]

Canadian Prime Minister apologises - WMV movie
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, apologises in Ottawa House of Commons to former students of Indian Residential Schools for the past government policy of assimilation

[ Prime Minister Stephen Harper's statement of apology ]

The Pas/OCN: Northern Connections’ Leadership Gathering

by Joel Molin January 17th, 2006

Northern Connections held their first Leadership Gathering at the Métis Hall, on the Opaskwayak Cree Nation - January 14th-15th, 2006.

Gathering our First Nations leaders from the four directions of Manitoba, they came, drawn by the Great Spirit to represent their community and be set apart for their appointment in the land in Israel.

[ Read full report ]

Inuit/First Nations trip to Israel - 2006

First Nations of Manitoba - Declaration

First Nations pastor plans Jerusalem ‘embassy’

by Myron Love 2005-11-21

WINNIPEG — In the wake of a recent visit by B’nai Brith Canada and Israeli representatives to two First Nations communities in remote northern Manitoba, Winnipeg pastor Rev. Raymond McLean is making plans to move to Jerusalem and open a ‘First Nations Embassy’ with himself as the first ambassador.

The Ahenakew affair was the catalyst for closer relations of late between Jews and native people, said Alan Yusim, director of B’nai Brith’s Winnipeg office.

After First Nations leader David Ahenakew praised Hitler to a reporter in 2002, saying the Nazi dictator ‘fried’ six million Jews to prevent Jews from taking over the world, B’nai Brith contacted Manitoba First Nations leaders and educators and arranged for a First Nations mission to Israel.

[ Read full article ]

Original Peoples, Common Interests
- more on Raymond McLean's 2005 visit to Israel

Watchmen for the Nations: One Heart Conference
, Quebec, July 2005
(video clips now added)

For over 10 years, the church in Canada has been on a journey with the Lord to remove stones of offense that healing and reconciliation may come and the church in Canada can be prepared as a dwelling place for the glory of the Lord.

One of the key motivators of our journey is our longing to see the First Peoples (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) healed and released to the fullness of their destiny as original gatekeepers of this land.

[ Read full article ]

Recent History [ Top ]
Donald Marshall
Supreme Court: The Marshall decision

background to the Burnt Church, New Brunswick, dispute (CBC News)

On Sept. 17, 1999, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the native fishing rights of Donald Marshall, a Mi’kmaq who had been charged with fishing eels out of season, fishing without a licence, and fishing with an illegal net ...

The Supreme Court agreed. It stated in its decision that "…nothing less would uphold the honour and integrity of the Crown in its dealings with the Mi'kmaq people to secure their peace and friendship…"

But the Marshall decision caused chaos as parties on all sides of the debate interpreted the ruling differently.

Burnt Church Reaction to Ultimatum
Laurie Graham, CBC (Sep 22, 2000) [ Watch the .ram movie ]

Genocide in Canada
- First Story, (CTV)
(with Kevin Annett)

[ Watch Quicktime movie (.mov) ]

Dudley George
Ipperwash, Ontario (1995)

- death of Dudley George at the hands of the Ontario Provincial Police

In September 1995, a half-century-old native land claim dispute exploded in Ontario's Provincial Park and left protester Dudley George dead.

[ Read full story ] [ Top ]

The Oka crisis, Quebec, 1990

(several clips: 1990-2000) .wmv
78 day siege by Canadian Army, one policeman dies (CBC News)

Protest led by AIM leader, Russell Means
Wounded Knee, South Dakota (1973)

71-day seige by US military - two dead!

On Feb. 27, 1973, a group called the American Indian Movement (AIM) seized control of Wounded Knee. Led by AIM leader Russell Means, the occupation began to protest the reservation’s officially sanctioned government under the leadership of Dickie Wilson. Two people were killed during the 71-day occupation, 12 were wounded, including two marshals, and nearly 1,200 were arrested. Inspired by the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, AIM put the issue of Native American rights into the national spotlight.

Hidden North Productions - N E W S [ Top ]
2007-04-06: Precious Oil Productions Ltd film crew travel to Manitoba, (Winnipeg, Pukatawagan and The Pas), for two weeks, to complete location filming of Broken Treaties documentary
Camera, transport and accommodation supplied by our sister company, Hidden North Productions

2005-11-15: Precious Oil Productions Ltd set up as a Limited Company in UK

2005-10-21: Broken Treaties documentary offered CAN$45.000 funding, (to Precious Oil Productions Ltd)

2005-10-21: Hidden North Productions domain, website and mailing list launched

2005-09-28: Hidden North Productions purchase Sony HDV Z1E professional Video camcorder from Advance, Winnipeg
Colby and Raymond start filming for Broken Treaties documentary in Pukatawagan, The Pas and Winnipeg

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